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Design & Prototyping
Our design process is user-centered, iterative, and risk-based, and has proven to deliver safe, reliable, innovative, and approvable solutions with outstanding usability and user acceptance.

User interface specification
As the basis for medical device user interface design, we define all measurable cognitive and physical performance specifications. Our process systematically incorporates user requirements analysis data, known use problems, hierarchical task analysis, and use-related failure modes and effects analysis.
Specification of use-related cognitive and physical performance
Specification of risk control measures
Specification of accompanying materials
Training specification
Concept design
We translate user-interface-related specifications into design outputs, conceptualizing innovative medical device user interfaces, user instructions, and effective training materials. Our approach is systematic and optimized toward use-related safety, effectiveness, and user acceptance. We strongly recommend beginning design concept development and iteration as early as possible. In early project stages, design iterations are cost efficient and significantly increase the likelihood of project success.
Hard- and software user interface design (UX, IA, and UI)
Packaging and labeling design
Instructions for use
Training materials including training videos
Alarm systems design
Design guideline development
We develop mockups and prototypes of hard- and software user interfaces including packaging, labeling, instructions for use, and training materials for all design and development stages. Our prototypes span non-functional cardboard mockups and sketch drawings for early concept evaluation, to functional software mockups and 3D CAD-designed hardware prototypes for pre-summative evaluation.
Hard- and software mockups and prototypes
Packaging and labeling samples
Printed user instructions
Training materials including videos
Bespoke test dummies and test rigs
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