Training Courses
Our interdisciplinary team combines expert knowledge in the psychology of learning with industry-leading knowledge in the specification, design, and validation of medical devices and combination products.
All of our training courses are specifically designed to meet the evolving needs of design and development teams in MedTech and Pharma companies. To guarantee training effectiveness and optimize training duration, we tailor the scope and content of each training course to individual skill levels.
Human factors (HF) / Usability engineering (UE)
Use-related risk management
Known use problems analysis (KUPA)
Completing a known use problems analysis (KUPA) thoroughly and early within the design and development process helps prevent resource-intensive design changes. The analysis also supports the first-time-right selection of the most suitable technology and required risk control measures.
Formative and summative evaluation
Software validation / Computerized systems validation
Introduction to SVAL and CSV
Depending on your business area, the level of customization, and the development approach of your software, different process steps must be followed and deliverables created during validation in order to be compliant with regulatory requirements. This presentation will introduce you to the topic of SVAL and CSV, and how they relate to regulatory requirements, as well as how they can be tailored towards different software development approaches.
Introduction to functional risk assessment
Functional risk assessment is vital in order to identify areas of high risk — both in the system itself and the applied (business) use of the software. It can also be used to tailor testing efforts, test critical functions accurately, and avoid unnecessary expenditures on testing less-than-critical functions.
Introduction to software testing
Software testing consists of several levels, from code review to user acceptance testing. Depending on the risk associated with the use of the software, testing can be approached more or less strictly. This presentation will introduce you to the different levels of testing, as well as the risk-based rationales for what to test (and how much).